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작성일 : 22-01-26 09:26
 글쓴이 : 김미정
조회 : 311  

January 25, 2022

What if the sun doesn’t set?

If the sun doesn’t set, I won’t be able to sleep because it’s too hot and bright. I have two reasons for my opinion.

First, I will need to spend a lot of money just to sleep. I’ve heard, in Antarctica, when it becomes summer, Sun never sets until when it becomes winter. And it could be like Antarctica in summer every day. Also, I’m not good at sleeping. I always toss and turn for minutes before I go to sleep, and I do it every day because I can’t sleep. And when sun doesn’t set, it will make it worse. I’m not good at sleeping even if it’s dark or bright. And when it’s bright, it’s worse than sleeping in a dark place. I will be not able to sleep because it’s to bright. So, when if the sun doesn’t set, it will just make my insomnia worse and worse.

Second, it will be too hot. When it becomes summer, asphalt gets very hot. But when it becomes night, it gets better. But when the sun doesn’t set, asphalt will get hot and hot even it’s evening because sun will not be setting even time is like, 8.P.M. And I think it will be able to melt a little amount of tire. Well, I’m not good at sleeping when it’s too hot in night too. It makes me sweaty and annoying. And even if I turn on the air conditioner, I take a while to go to sleep, About 1 hour. So, when if the sun doesn’t set, I won’t be able to sleep because it would be too hot than normal tropical nights in summer.

I hope tropical nights gets better. Because when it becomes worse, my insomnia will get worse too.